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Designing for Digital Fabrication 

---------   Physical Image

The theme of "Physical Images" makes me think about if it is possible to present the qualities of digital images in a physical form. 

What are the significant features that divide the digital and the non-digital images? Pixelized or not? Alternative capacity? A captured moment or an ever-developing process?  

One of the physical image forms that came to my mind is film development. The process images are left on photo paper by chemical reaction & light (Areas hit by light turns dark). Time is also an important factor. The length of time of lightning determines the image, too.


The film developing requires extreme precise, which was a torture for me. I am thinking about involoving randomness into the process with a delicately designed device. Maybe it can relate to some organic motions/process and draw a picture of time.

Light, the facility that makes images perceivable in physical scenarios, is another topic I want to explore. 

Can views existing in the physical world be considered images? Is a space an image? Digital Images are always presented as 2D capture. No matter how stereoscopic it looks like, you can not go into the space. Physcial images breaks this boundary. 

A previous project

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