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Parallel Blink

I can not make one led blinks in high speed while the other led blinks in low speed. They always blink one first, then blink the other. I understand this is because I write the blink code in the loop(). So, they have to blink the led after the first one finished its blinking. However, I have no idea how to make two LEDs blink at the same time. 

I tried to write the blink in a new function.

It does not work. 

I tried to restart the blink process every time a time cycle ends.

It does not work. 

Switch on, Switch off

Button-Press can be detected, but the LED does not respond as I wish. The light blinks at an uneven speed. Usually does not respond to the button. 

A discovered error is I tried to use digitalRead(ledPin) to check if the light is on. However, the pinMode of the ledPin is OUTPUT.

OUTPUT pins cannot be read. Use a boolean variable to switch and write the ledState will be a better idea. 

螢幕截圖 2021-09-27 下午8.24.50.png
螢幕截圖 2021-09-28 上午12.23.40.png

Week 3 LAB

Sensor Musical Instrument

ArduinoMelodyArtist Name
00:00 / 00:02

Pre-set Melody

Servo Motor

螢幕截圖 2021-09-28 下午5.29.38.png

I tried to use a knob to control the motor. However, the motor does not react to the analog value of the knob. It just rotates at a certain speed in a consistent direction. The analogRead works normally. The mapping works normally. So, I think the problem is with the signal transmitted to the motor. 

Project IDEAs

The basic idea is to create a work that collects signals from the external environment and performs interesting reactions. Tong Kunniao's installation work Do Something Without Pig Ass was a great inspiration. When it detects someone passing in front of it, it turns on motors and swings silicone in the shape of pig's tails to beat drums and plays a piece of musical sound. The input is not consciously made. Instead, the installation grabs signals from people's daily movement and creates surprising responses. 


  • A conductive material moves around a surface. In different positions, it connects different circuits and plays different sounds. 

  • Talk to a speaker and the speaker repeats what you said.

  • Hide and chaseA distance sensor is applied. When people get near, the device runs away. 

  • Overturn physical rules, like blow a light to turn it on instead of off.

  • Wearable performance 

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