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The Role of Bias

in creating technological tools

I barely believe in any statements triggering strong echoes online. As a non-experiencer of a public issue, I don't think I am able to distinguish truth or lie when facing multiple contradicting statements and speculations. No to mention sometimes a bunch of truth fragments seduce viewers to conclude a lie. 

But why it is common to see web surfers forming opposite fronts on society breaking news? I think people tend to project their own experience to the case, ignoring the uniqueness of different cases. Some users are not responding to the news, but arguing with a virtual scenario generated by some keywords of the news. 

I believe logic is one of the rare reliable things one can hold when overwhelmed with too many voices. 

How does the regularity of the platform respond to this phenomenon?

群体化 和矮化(忽视

I agree with the commenter‘s critique that manipulating the users' words is fucked. I am fine with the revenge if the code is used to answer back with the owner's own account. Same code can demonstrate different idea of platform managing.

Do users' behaviour a consequence of the media form?

Launching special effects that can be triggered by specific words directs how people type.

People take cues from the environment. Also, people creates the atmosphere. 

A creepy thing is, social media like Reddit facilitates user anonymity, everyone can show up with a username nobody knows.  However, what they talk about is still the real-name society. The un-anonmity of the topic center people prosper anonymous platforms, but people who are revealed online have to vertify their identity to appeal for their reputation and rights.

“We may as well take a one way ticket to North Korea”. Does the people who say this have been living in North Korea? If not, why do they accept the "North Korea" defined by others as a metaphor? 

Even you do not mean bad, are you dare to raise any question towards the right ideas? 

the war between the social media 

​who should decide what is misbehave? If the ceo does this all by himself, then it is like 人治而非法治。

The complain about propaganda was not fair. People promote their ideas all around is the inevitible in human society. It does not only happen online. On street there is also candidate posters, politican stuff, and more obscure implications. 

"Do I sound like an Arab government? If so, maybe I should scale it back." The words of Reddit's head of policy implies something about some government. Is this propaganda?

Is it possible to have an ideal space online? 

AI supervision VS smart bad people, encode

Is it possible to make a single agreement?

self correction. put an AI in a social media and see what it becomes.

gap between tech development and regulation, law is behind

people become the product. The information, privacy, etc.

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