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Final Project

Motion Broadcast

螢幕截圖 2021-12-14 上午11.25.18.png


This work is inspired by the visual poetry IL PLEUT (IT RAINS), which conveys messages through both words and the composition of letters. The image communicates the concept of rain so well that makes me wonder if I can take text as images to convey messages as well as trigger imaginations. 

I make this motion broadcast with OPENWEATHERMAP API. The user inputs a city name, and the sketch requests the current weather data of the city from the API and generates the weather with a certain program.

This work shows motion graphics of the three most common weather types: Clear, Clouds, and Rain. 


The JSON file on the left shows the data OPENWEATHERMAP provides. The description ("overcast clouds") is the main element that appears on the canvas. The "clouds.all" value determines the density of strings, the "wind.speed" and "wind.deg" together determines the motion speed and direction on the x asis. Temperature makes the color and feel_like_temp makes the size.

If it's raining, the rain amount in 1 hour shows how heavy the rain is and determines the dropping speed of the drops. For clear weather, the letters in the string scatter according to the length of description and windspeed

Color & temp

螢幕截圖 2021-12-14 上午4.58.48.png

Version 1

螢幕截圖 2021-12-19 下午2.41.43.png

Version 2

Based on the feedback in class, I modified the changes of color with temperture. Compared with from green to blue, from blue to orange is more in line with people's intuitive inpression of coldness and warmth. 





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